Team Outings That Effectively Establish Company Culture


Feb 13, 2019 6:26:07 AM

by Anna Harutyunyan

Company culture is the personality of the company. This personality rises not only from how the brand presents itself, but the office environment itself. How employees interact with their employers and with each other can influence the environment within the office as the entire company's reputation. Company's with strong culture are revered as a dream to work for and admired by those with and outside of the company.

In co-working and collaborative workspaces - offices where culture is especially important and present - surveys found 89% of employees reported feeling happier. 84% of these same employees surveyed also reported feeling especially motivated, thanks to the environment.

Related Blog: Top 5 Activities on the Water in San Francisco

How to Establish Company Culture through Team Outings

Regardless of whether or not your office is a coworking space, curating company culture is still essential in boosting employee satisfaction. An article released by Kristen Gregory discusses the importance of employee satisfaction to the success of a business. Stressed, under-appreciated employees are associated with low-turnover rates, which can ultimately cost employers quite a bit of money.

Company culture is also at the foundation of employee engagement, another staple for operating a successful organization. In Gallup's analysis of over 1.8 million employees, those who were more engaged yielded a 20% increase in productivity, leading to a 21% increase in profitability.

  • Host a team luncheon, picnic, or dinner. Nothing like good grub to get employees motivated, right? Hosting a team luncheon or taking the office out to dinner is a great way to spend time together and encourage meaningful communication outside of the office. While a dinner is still a great idea, a luncheon or picnic may be more casual, eliminating any potential tension.

  • Go exploring. Take a day to step outside the workplace and enjoy everything your area has to offer. Take a tour of local historical sites, visit a museum, or find the most interesting hotspots around the city. Touring the area is educational, interesting, and provides plenty of great conversation points to break the ice.

  • Take a class unrelated to the field of work. An extracurricular activity, such as a culinary class or attending a creative writing club, is essentially the best of both worlds. The class will leave employees with helpful skills they can enjoy outside of the office and gives coworkers something meaningful they can relate to while chatting at the water cooler.

  • Attend a sporting event. Even if you don't pride yourself as a sports fanatic, there's something magical about attending a sporting event. They're fun, casual, and memorable. Sporting events also stress the importance of teamwork, as the winning team certainly couldn't pull it off without a solid foundation among the players.

  • Get outside. Hiking and birdwatching are just a few healthy outings that will leave the team feeling recharged. After all, there's nothing like a breath of fresh air to clear your head and relieve stress. Going outside also gets employees stretching their legs. It is generally recommended to spend at least 30 minutes a day engaged in an outdoor activity. Research published by the British Sports Journal of Medicine found sedentary activity, such as prolonged periods of sitting at a desk, were associated with an increase in chronic health issues including diabetes.

  • Go out on the water. Boating is another wonderful outdoor activity that encourages thoughtful discussion and relaxation. Whether you're simply going out on the water to relax or fish, Bay Light Charters has you covered. If you're interested in booking a charter event in the San Francisco area, don't hesitate to contact us.

Team outings are a wonderful way to establish company culture by fostering meaningful relationships within the workplace. Encouraging employees to spend time together outside of the office increases communication. Having a friend or two in the office may even leave them looking forward to Mondays and will definitely motivate employees about their work.

Keep up with the latest events in San Francisco, sailing trends, and more over on our blog. If you are interested in learning more about Bay Light Charters and booking a charter event, please contact us.


