Feb 5, 2019 6:25:57 AM

by Anna Harutyunyan

A strong team produces strong results. That's a given. When done well, team-building activities foster collaboration and spark the development of innovative ideas. Your activity shouldn't be a "groaner"; it shouldn't be yet another annoying checklist item for your employees to complete. Try to think of your team-building activity as a perfect time to veer outside of the box. The best team-building activities contain elements of play, adventure, and/or reward. You want your team to emerge inspired. Here are 6 activities which will accomplish just that.

Related Blog: Top 5 Activities on the Water in San Francisco


A Photo Challenge

With the dawn of Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and other online photo-sharing platforms, everybody's an amateur photographer. But employees are usually prohibited from taking photos at work.

A photo challenge can be a fun way for your staff to snap freely during working hours. Purchase some digital cameras (to avoid the temptation for people to get off-task on their phones) and ask employees to work together, in small groups, to stage photographs "on theme." Assign roles to group members, such as director, prop maker, set designer, photographer, and photo editor.

Unveil the resulting photographs in a company slideshow - but make it fun, with popcorn and other snacks to boost the entertainment value of the show.


Creation of a Mural

That big blank wall in the office isn't inspiring any great ideas.

But a mural will.

If you want your employees to feel like they're making an imprint, allow them to leave an actual mark. Supply some smocks or have everyone wear an old T-shirt. Provide some paint and brushes, and a theme. Separate the wall into sections, to give each person a segment of the mural. You can pay a professional artist to outline a design that employees "color in" or you can allow everyone to work freestyle.

Make sure that your mural fits your company's theme...your employees will be inspired by it every day!


Anything with Food

Few things motivate as strongly as food. Here are some ideas to get employees fired up, through their stomachs:

  1. Try a group cooking class, on-site or off-site. Have each team member complete a different stage of the recipe. Everyone gets to enjoy the final product.

  2. Create a taste-testing game, where employees work in teams to give different foods "ratings" to simulate client/and or customer satisfaction levels.

  3. Give teams a budget and allow them to purchase the food for a group event; relieve them from their other tasks so they can be the "party planners." Make time to allow employees to eat together and socialize.


An Attempt to Break a World Record

Let's say you want to do something bigger...you want your activity to be bold. Perhaps you can make a name for your organization in the Guinness Book. Your team will surely enjoy the opportunity to set a world record! You can try and hit a record that smoothly fits your organization's theme, or you can attempt to achieve a random group record "just for fun." Gather up your troops and go for it! Learn more about applying for a Guinness record here.


A Boating Trip

Let's face it: no matter how fun your activity is, it will probably require your employees to do some form of work. So step away from the work mindset for a minute...and plan a boating trip. A boating trip will allow your team to relax. It's a total departure from the regular workday, that will allow your entire staff to unwind. Dr. Wallace J. Nichols explains that boating has been shown to improve creativity, emotional health, and relaxation. So choose to hit the water when you plan an activity, and give your team the boost it needs.


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Team Outings That Effectively Establish Company Culture