How to get your company to come together and think like a team


Feb 26, 2019 6:48:26 AM

by Anna Harutyunyan

As the old saying goes, "There is no 'I' in team," but it can be extremely difficult to get employees to come together to think and work as a team. Sometimes there are personality clashes, departmental rivalries, and the uncomfortable feeling of working with someone you hardly know preventing your employees from fully collaborating with one another. The success of any company is dependent upon employees working together to invent the next best "thing" and come up with the next new "great idea”

In every business environment, employees should be motivated and encouraged to work together and brainstorm new ideas that will carry the company into the future. If you are the CEO, director, or even manager of employees at your company and are struggling to get them thinking as a team, here are some helpful tips to help them rise to the challenge.

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A Shared Experience

When people share a fun experience together, they form a bond with one another and will remember the experience for the rest of their lives. Instead of gathering your employees together for another boring company meeting in the stale corporate conference room, take them on an adventure and show them that you appreciate all of the hard work they do each and every day.

At Bay Light Charters, we offer corporate event boat charter tours that allow your employees to soak in the San Francisco sunshine together, while taking part in activities that get their creative juices flowing. Each charter boat tour is done aboard The Gaslight, a historic replica of an 1800s schooner. Our boat can accommodate up to 50 guests, and is fully loaded with the technology you need, and the snacks and drinks your employees crave.

Team Project Day

Major corporations such as Google, 3M, and Hewlett-Packard offer up personal project days to employees so they can work on innovating new ideas and things they are passionate about. When employees are afforded time to work on projects that personally inspire them, they are more likely and willing to devote their entire focus and energy into their day jobs during the rest of the work week.

Group employees together based on similar interests and allow them to work with employees from different departments who they may not otherwise have much interaction with, and set aside time during the week so they can work on a team project of their choosing. Your company can sweeten the pot by giving out an award for the best invention.

Empowering the People

Empower your employees to share their ideas and work together to come up with creative solutions to problems the company faces. All to often, employees have ideas that could possibly change the course of a company's future, but are too afraid to speak up for fear they will not be taken seriously or because their idea will be shot down. Create a culture of teamwork within your company and stress to your employees that their thoughts and ideas are always valued. Idea sharing and team work cultivate naturally when employees have confidence and feel safe working with each other and upper management.

Teamwork is an essential tool for any successful business and should be encouraged at every level and at every company. Cultivate your employees to start thinking as a team and reap the rewards of more idea sharing and a better work product. At Bay Light Charters, we can help your employees connect and get to know each other better through adventurous sightseeing tours in the San Francisco Bay. Our beautiful schooner has all you need to host a corporate team building event that will inspire and motivate your employees to work together and bond like a family. Contact us today and book your event at sea!



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